December 2007

For the month of December 2006 the Staff would like to welcome aboard Kenneth Gifford, III. Kenny will be posted as the Chief of Engineering and can be found crawling around most any Jeffries Tube checking out his new baby. Greetings Kenny and Gods Speed!

December also finds our newest Officer in Kenneth Gifford, III. He completed his Officer Training School with Honors and with the position he holds as Chief of Engineering he is hereby promoted to 1st Lieutenant, SFMC.

January 2007

January 2007 we celebrated the birthday of Petty Officer 1st Class Thelma Anderson. Congratulations and we hope to have many more with ya.

February 2007

February 2007 the CO, LTC Scott A. Anderson, Sr., was assigned the positions of Brigade Training Officer for the First Brigade and also the Infantry Branch Director in the SFMC's TRACOM (Training Command).

March 2007

March 2007 has two new members joining our crew. We welcome Dr. Dale Luketich and Del Hilling Jr. to our chapter. Dr. Dale Luketich will assume the duties of Chief Medical Officer and Del Hilling will be our Chief of Communications. While the good Dr. checks out his sick bay our Communications Officer will be breaking in his chair at his station. Dr. Luketich a word of advice, you will not be able to disable the EMH... sorry. At least we chose a nice looking lady for the template. ;-) In March, the XO, MAJ Christine Anderson, filed a request for a MSG for our Chapter. This was approved and encouraged by the CO, LTC Scott A. Anderson, Sr. This will move our current Marines from the 182nd MSG on the Dragon's Fury to our own home chapter. On March 21st, Cadet Scott A. Anderson, Jr. was recognized at his school, Easton Elementary, for completing his goals for the "Countdown to Spring." For his Kindergarten class he was required to write and count to 100 and to read 20 books within a month. Scottie was awarded a certificate and several restaurant coupons for his accomplishment.

April 2007

April 2007 has the USS Glory completing our Shakedown Cruise and attaining our full chapter status in STARFLEET International. The CO, COL Scott A. Anderson, Sr., and the Chief of Engineering, 1stLT Kenneth Gifford, attended the Region 1 Summit in Richmond, VA. We were joined by some of the crew of the USS Inferno from Region 7 and enjoyed a fun weekend together. At the Summit we not only earned our full Chapter status but we also launched our Marine Strike Group, the 154th. The OIC of the 154th is LTC Christine Anderson. Finally the CO, COL Scott A. Anderson, Sr., accepted the position of Treasurer for the 2008 Team Summit for Region 1.

May 2007

May 2007 has our CO, COL Scott A. Anderson, Sr., joining the Sr. Staff of Region 1 Headquarters as the Senior Captain for the State of West Virginia. The USS Glory Team welcomes our first associate member, Ms. Dana Riley out of the USS Appomattox in Lynchburg, VA. Dana will be our visiting Councilor and we look forward to having her aboard from time to time. May also has the USS Glory creating it's own Yahoo Group so feel free to join and post.

June 2007

In June 2007, The CO - COL Scott A. Anderson, Sr. was assigned to the Region 1 Staff as the Vice Regional Coordinator in charge of Mediation. With Cadets James Nicholson's and Scott A. Anderson, Jr.'s graduation to their next grades in school the CO and XO are proud to announce that they will be promoted to the ranks of Staff Sergeant and Sergeant respectively.

July 2007

For the month of July our own, 1LT Kenneth Gifford, attended Shore Leave and distinguished himself as being "one great guy to have around." We also wish to take time and welcome Ensign JG Kurt McCoy to our chapter. Kurt joins us with much experience in SFI from the 80's and 90's. Kurt position on the chapter is soon to be announced.

August 2007

In August, at the SFI International Conference, it was announced that the entire 1st Brigade received a Meritorious Unit Citation and that our own CO, COL Scott A. Anderson, Sr., received the TRACOM Commander's Award. TRACOM stands for the TRAining COMmand for the SFMC Academy and the COTRACOM is the Commanding Officer TRAining COMmand. The TRACOM Commanders award is issued once per year to a single Marine and the qualification for the award are as follows:

The Commander’s Award is given to the Marine who is selected by the COTRACOM as having had the most influential impact on TRACOM during the previous year. Each Branch Director may submit nominees that they feel is most deserving and the reasons for that nomination; COTRACOM will then select the recipient from those nominations and it will announced at the International Muster the following year. This award is based on the calendar year and may be awarded to either students of the SFMCA or TRACOM staff members who have performed their duties to a level the goes above and beyond what is normally expected of a TRACOM staff member.  

We would also like to announce that Ensign JG Kurt McCoy has been assigned to the Command Division as the Chief of Services and also to the Science Division as the Chief of Sciences. His dual role will allow him to work not just in the Sciences but also be in the Command Staff as well. Welcome aboard and good luck.

Also, the members of the USS Glory participated in Trek Camp along with others from the USS Dragons Fury and the USS Inferno. We had a great time and enjoyed the fellowship we had with other Trekkies. Pictures from the event can be found at the Events link at the top of the screen or by clicking here.

September 2007

September has the Cadets of the USS Glory participating in several Cub Scouting meetings and the CO of the Glory, COL Scott A. Anderson, Sr., was asked to become the Den Leader for the Tiger Cub Den, Pack 52 of the Mountaineer Council of the Boy Scouts of America.

October 2007

In October, James Nicholson completed the Den Leadership Training class for the BSA. Although this will not take effect until he moves to the Boy Scouts this will be instrumental in his beginning growth as a Scout. The CO, COL Scott A. Anderson, Sr., completed the course requirements for Cub Scout Leadership Skills and began the Boy Scout Courses and plans to participate and complete the Wood Badge qualifications in the Spring of 2008. The Wood Badge is the highest award an adult can earn in the Boy Scouts of America.

3 February 2008

The Command Staff of the USS Glory wish to bid our former Chief of Engineering, Kenneth Gifford, a fond farewell. At this time we are assigning Master Chief Petty Officer Glenn Chrise to the position of Chief of Engineering. Good luck to Kenneth in his future and may God watch over him in his journeys.

The Command Staff wishes to welcome on board LTC Christopher Bayonet and his wife ENS JG Megan Bayonet. Christopher will be filling the rolls of the Second Officer, OIC of the 154th MSG and when reformed, the OIC of the Special Operations Unit. Megan will take the role of Chief of Navigation.

12 April 2008

The Command Staff wishes to welcome back 1LT Kenneth Gifford to the Crew Roster.  Kenny took a sabbatical to the Monasteries on the Klingon World of Boreth.  He got in touch with Kahless and was told he was to serve with Honor on the USS Glory.  Welcome back Kenny, Qapla!

3 May 2008

LTC Christine Anderson and LTC Christopher Bayonet were promoted to Colonel by the Region One Regional Coordinator (Interim) ADM Robbie Lewis.

COL's Scott and Christine Anderson both received the STARFLEET Cross from FADM Sal Lizard.

The 154th MSG received the Meritorious Unit Citation from BDR Rey Cordero OIC of the 1st Brigade.

The following members attending the 1st Brigade Muster in Pigeon Forge, TN received the Great Barrier Expedition Award & the Brigade Muster Award:

COL Scott A. Anderson, Sr.

COL Christine L. Anderson

1LT Kenneth Gifford, III

SSGT James M. Nicholson

SGT Scott A. "Scottie" Anderson, Jr.

Cadet PFC Charles G. Anderson

COL Scott A. Anderson, Sr. also received the following SFMC awards:

Sword of Valor

Brigade Service Commendation

Community Service Citation

Embassy Duty Award

Other members of the USS Glory that attended the Region 1 Summit were:

MCPO Glenn L. Chrise

PO2 Audrey Chrise

Danaan Riley (Associate Member from the USS Appomattox)

22 August 2008

1LT Kenneth C. Gifford, III promoted to Marine Captain.  For his continued service to the USS Glory.


Also on the 22nd, Kenny attended Trek Camp 2 and served as official Ambassador to the event for the USS Glory.  Next years event we hope all local Glory members will be in attendance.